Status: EAM

EAM Product Category Workload

Teams use metrics to deliver backlog items aligned with high-priority business outcomes, continuously improving quality and accelerating time-to-market.

Work In Progress

SummaryIssue key
#01.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - Migrate Folders and Documents for Bridges and ViaductsEAM-4904
#02.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - Migrate Folders and Documents for Stations and PlatformsEAM-4788
(AFC Integration 1/15) New Interface: AFC Mainframe Primary Equipment to EAM - Convert from Email processEAM-3560
(AFC Integration 10/15) New Interface for Bus Work Orders and Repairs between DOB/Spear and DOS/EAM similar to the WO/Repair interface between DOB/Spear and EMD/SpearEAM-3564
(AFC Integration 13/15) Enhance OMNY Primary Equipment Interface to also send CVM Asset data to DOS/EAM (Currently Sending to AFCRail/Spear)EAM-3566
(AFC Integration 5/15) New Interface OMNY NYCT CVM - Child Equipment Reconciliation from Cubic to DOS/EAMEAM-3647
(LIRR #2) LIRR MOFE - Maximo Upgrade (CAMS-FS)EAM-1243
2023 Continuous ImprovementEAM-1822
AMS - new Harmon Campus StoreroomEAM-1106
Alfresco LIRR Eng StructuresEAM-806
Automatic Generation of Layover Cleaning WO for MNREAM-994
Create Interface for Equipment Statusing Between DOS EAM and RSMISEAM-4836
Create a POC process in Alfresco DEV for Third Rail - Using Alfresco as an alternate repository to the Network DriveEAM-811
Create iTrac-RSMIS TTC Interface for Train Incidents from iTrac to RSMIS with MSLI and Shop Response to iTracEAM-2062
EAM Incidents Qtr1 2024EAM-5152
EAM Integrator 4.2 for MNR (Built by DXC)EAM-69
EAM SOGR Qtr1 2024EAM-5153
EAM Small Enhancements Qtr1 2024EAM-5154
Enhance SO Mobile to copy notes to SO Pickup job descriptionEAM-1281
Grade Crossing 26A, 26AB and 26C Inspection checklist loadEAM-4783
Integrate Hexagon (EAM/DOS) Documents with AlfrescoEAM-1507
Investigate how ArcGIS Pro Toolbar integrate with MNREAM HxGN EAMEAM-1109
LIRR ArcSDE upgrade (Azure environments)EAM-3502
MNR GIS Portal Azure Migration Phase 1 Legacy AppsEAM-3284
MTAHQ Emergency Operations GIS IntegrationsEAM-1883
Maintenance of Equipment Maximo to Hexagon conversionEAM-1208
Multi-Tenant (B&T/LIRR/MNR) Hexagon EAM Upgrade from v11.7.1 to v12.1EAM-351
Perform Baseline Configuration of the Azure GIS Portal in preparation for Agency portal migrationsEAM-1872
Re-configure user group ENGAM-ADM be granted access to Query, Insert, Update, Delete, Tab Available, Tab Always Displayed, on the tab Railroad Track Characteristics.EAM-1665
Review 76 Reports and update Header on 58 Reports (logos/images pointing to file share ones instead of url links)EAM-1131


SummaryIssue key
#03.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures -Substations EAM-4313
#04.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures -Track Design & Interlocking ProjectsEAM-4314
#05.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - Misc Design and Inspections EAM-4315
#06.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - Sidings, Team Tracks & YardsEAM-4317
#07.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - ContractsEAM-4850
#08.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - 3rd Party ContractingEAM-3923
#09.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - Valuation MapsEAM-3921
#10.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - Reference Material and DocumentationEAM-1083
#11.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - STANDARDSEAM-298
#12.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - Emergency Bridge Hit Inspection SchedulesEAM-4685
#13.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - Signal TowersEAM-3962
#14.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - High Tension Tower Inspection Reports EAM-4080
#15.0 Alfresco - LIRR Structures - Retaining WallEAM-4316
APP-0838 Infor Enterprise Asset Management 11i - MTA BusEAM-4809
APP-1039 Spear-Rolling Stock Maintenance Information SystemEAM-4806
APP-2038 Enterprise Geospatial Information System - Enterprise Assets ManagementEAM-4811
Add LOV Table to DOB Spear 4i to support SO Mobile - TA_C_INSP_SO_PICKUPEAM-5818
Add TA_C_MOBILE_USERMAP table to DOB Spear 4i LOV TablesEAM-5819
Additional Alfresco licenses NeededEAM-5281
Alfresco Search Screen for LIRR MofE Kiosk UsersEAM-5276
ArcGIS SURVEY 123 HPO Count Subway UpdateEAM-3638
As per the DBA server oracle version need to be upgraded from 12C to 19CEAM-3579
B&T#3: Work Force Qualifications interfaceEAM-427
BAS Interface between DOS/EAM and iTrac Train ConsistEAM-4778
Build a connector (gateway) for Microsoft Power BI (32 bit ver.) to access SPEAR/RSMIS (32 bit ver.)EAM-3632
Cleanup bad PTC Work Orders in MNR/EAMEAM-5775
Comms- Load assets and hierarchy.EAM-3821
Convert APIs from XML to JSON (RITM0721791/SCTASK1294212)EAM-1019
Create Document Approval Workflow for MNR MofEEAM-4477
Create Document Approval Workflow for MNR MofEEAM-4278
Create Reconciliation Process with Cubic for OMNY Children Equipment Records in both Spear/DOB and Spear/AFCRailEAM-4117
Create Reusable IJ Asset Data Load process for MNR to routinely use in QA and PRD to create new Insulated Joint Asset recordsEAM-4640
Data Integrations related to AFC migration to DOS Infor EAMEAM-3577
Decommission of Maximo CAMS-IEAM-2566
EAM IDEA0003037 Add new WILD sites to the reportEAM-45
EAM Integrator v4.2 for LIRREAM-3428
ENG Systems Operations (Power Directors) - Clearance & Protection RecordsEAM-1037
Enhance Child Equipment Data Load Spreadsheet Process for CVM Children with different Parent-Child PositionsEAM-3310
Enhance SO Mobile to Include Non-Revenue VehiclesEAM-4018
Enhance the Fire Extinguisher (FE) Completion report (Cognos) for additional locationsEAM-1655
Enhance the OMNY NYCT Child Equipment Reconciliation to include DOS/EAMEAM-3570
Enhancement to AlfrescoEAM-5832
Flow DiagramEAM-3344
IT Support to migrate data/functionality from the DRAW system into Subways Infor EAM and decommission parts of the DRAW systemEAM-3631
Implement Digital Track Walk Inspections Developed by AccentureEAM-1039
Implement MNR Signals Inspection 1 of 8 for Inspection Types 10A/B, 11 (Hexagon Build)EAM-5613
Implement Track Daily Inspections (Hexagon Built)EAM-3819
Infor 11i Platform MigrationEAM-600
Integation between Genesys - call center platform with HxGN EAMEAM-70
LIRR Fleet Inspection Process in EAM with Transit Mobile and integrated with MaximoEAM-4725
MNR Car Loads - New M8 UnitsEAM-1897
MNR implementation shadowingEAM-1957
Migrate Esri GIS on prem environment to Azure cloudEAM-3633
New Integration between EAM and iTrac/RSMIS for SM Inspection Schedule and Consist data.EAM-4901
POC using Sharepoint Cloud as a Repository for documents uploaded and viewed via DOS/EAMEAM-5510
PRJ0010022 Create a Data Integration tool for LIRR EAM, MNR EAM with Bentley and ESRI for Assets, Work Requests and Work OrdersEAM-472
PRJ0060409 Migrate PTC Maximo Systems from Alstom Vendor to On Prem for LIRR and MNREAM-419
Power-Load assets and hierarchyEAM-3822
RHEL Fuse 7.x EOL | Preserve 7.x PROD LibrariesEAM-5362
Retire IRIS/Spear (Data Analytics of 3 visual Track Inspections with data from legacy systems and current DOS/EAM)EAM-5
SADM-APP-0587: Spear-AFCRail- Assessment & Recommendation (Superdome Migration)EAM-5372
Security Materials/Inventory Management Cameras/Servers/NVRs (RITM0845148/SCTASK1386306)EAM-4956
Send attachments on LIRR/EAM Auto-Emailed Reports to a "Completed Signal Inspections" Folder in AlfrescoEAM-3693
Set up Alfresco Production Environment for MNR MofE Operations Training DepartmentEAM-4327
Supply Chain IntegrationEAM-2211
Task 11 Release 1.2 ImplementationEAM-59
Upgrade/Migrate UCAID Database from the Superdome (APP-1159)EAM-5193
Work Force Qualifications interfaceEAM-60
need to integrate the chargers into the Depot control log and allow them to show OOS in the non revenue equipment OOS section stating charger capabilityEAM-3082